Investments and insurance | OTP banka

Investments and insurance

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vzajemni skladi naložbe varčevanje

Mutual funds

Access a wide range of OTP Fund Management, Sava Infond, Raiffeisen Capital Management, Triglav Skladi, Amundi Funds and Moorea Fund mutual funds.

OTP Banka

Stock brokerage

Trust our experienced experts to provide you with information on investments, products, and services in the field of financial instruments.

OTP Banka


Deposits with a favorable interest rate are available for companies and individuals who want to improve their financial resources.

OTP Banka

Key person life insurance for loan borrowers

Ensure the key people in your company and ensure company security.

OTP Banka

Smart Business Insurance

The success of a company is not only about good business decisions and ideas. Protect yourself and other key people in your company.

OTP Banka

Key person life insurance for overdraft borrowers

Ensure the key people in your company and ensure company security.

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