Nova KBM and KBS banka sign the merger agreement | OTP banka

Today, the Management Boards of both banks signed the agreement concerning the merger of KBS banka and Nova KBM. This is an important milestone towards transforming Nova KBM into one of the leading universal banks in the Slovene banking market.

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Nova KBM and KBS banka sign the merger agreement

28 October 2016
Today, the Management Boards of both banks signed the agreement concerning the merger of KBS banka and Nova KBM. This is an important milestone towards transforming Nova KBM into one of the leading universal banks in the Slovene banking market.
The merger will become legally effective on the day it is entered into the court register, which will be possible after receiving the relevant approval from the European Central Bank and/or the Bank of Slovenia. According to the plan, the merger will take place in January 2017, provided all necessary conditions are met by that time.

The envisaged merger between Nova KBM and KBS banka represents the accomplishment of one of the ambitious goals regarding the future development of Nova KBM under the ownership of the funds managed by affiliates of the global investment manager Apollo and the EBRD. Once merged with KBS banka, Nova KBM will continue to focus on providing contemporary, top-notch financial services, on encouraging development in its economic and social environment, and on strengthening relationships with all its stakeholders.

Merger preparations are well under way, with the objective to integrate the know-how, product portfolios and operating processes of both banks in an optimum manner. The merged bank will provide an updated range of services to its customers, while its extensive branch office network will make it more accessible and closer to them.

On the day the merger becomes effective, all assets, liabilities and rights of KBS banka will be transferred to Nova KBM, with the result that the latter, as the legal successor to KBS banka, will take over the obligations and rights under all transactions concluded by KBS banka prior to the merger. Following its merger with KBS banka, Nova KBM will continue to operate under its current name, and its headquarters will remain in Maribor.